Remember to ring the bell for your Groomer when you arrive
Remember to ring the bell for your Groomer when you arrive
How does a pet groom differ from my how haircut?
A pet grooming appointment is different than an appointment at your hair salon in that we don’t bathe, dry, brush, and groom each dog from start to finish.
We have all the dogs arrive first thing in the morning at scheduled times, then all the dogs are bathed, then dried, then “finished” (haircut, furminated, nails trimmed, teeth brushed, etc.). So while one dog is being bathed, one is being dried and one is being finished. Remember dogs have about 4 or 5 times the amount of hair that a human has.
How do I know when my pet will be finished?
When a pet is dropped off at the Salon you will be given a pickup time. If your pet is finished before the given time, you'll either receive a call or text, letting you know your pet is ready for pick up.
What vaccinations do you require?
According to state law, Each owner of a dog or cat that is 6 months of age or older shall cause such dog or cat to be vaccinated against rabies by a licensed veterinarian using a licensed vaccine according to the manufacturer's directions and shall cause such dog or cat to be re-vaccinated at intervals recommended by the manufacturer. In addition to Rabies, we suggest all dogs have received the VMA recommended initial shots for their age. It is also recommend that you protect your pet from Canine Cough with an annual vaccine.
What if the groom isn't what I like?
Groomers are always willing to work with you to give your pet the trim that you want, however, keep in mind that your pets comfort and health are always their number one priority. They will keep notes on what was done for the groom. If you are unsatisfied with the groom, please let them know before you leave, so that the groomer can make any necessary corrections and they can take notes for the next groom.
They take great pride in their work and want you to as well.
Traditional Wheaton Trim
Pooch Paws The Groomers Place
1212 Hanover St Hanover, MA 02339
Please use the number listed under each groomer
Copyright © 2025 Pooch Paws The Groomers Place : All Rights Reserved.